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1. Liu Y, von Deneen KM, Kobeissy FH, Gold MS.Food addiction and obesity: evidence from bench to bedside. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2010 Jun;42(2):133-45.[pdf].

2. Zhou Z, Wang X, Klahr N; Liu W; Arias D; von Deneen KM; Wen Y;. Liu Y. A conditional Granger causality model approach for group analysis in functional MRI. [pdf].

3. Yuan K, Qin W, Dong M, Liu J, Sun J, Liu P, Zhang Y, Wang W, Wang Y, Li Q, Zhao L, von Deneen KM, Liu Y, Gold MS, Tian J. Gray matter deficits and resting-state abnormalities in abstinent heroin-dependent individuals. Neurosci Lett. 2010 Sep 27;482(2):101-5.[pdf].

4. Sun J, Qin W, Dong M, Yuan K, Liu J, Liu P, Zhang Y, von Deneen KM, Tian J. Evaluation of group homogeneity during acupuncture stimulation in fMRI studies. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2010 Aug;32(2):298-305.[pdf].

5. Liu P, Zhou G, Zhang Y, Dong M, Qin W, Yuan K, Sun J, Liu J, Liang J, von Deneen KM, Liu Y, Tian J. The hybrid GLM-ICA investigation on the neural mechanism of acupoint ST36: an fMRI study. Neurosci Lett. 2010 Aug 2;479(3):267-71. [pdf].

6. Liu J, Qin W, Guo Q, Sun J, Yuan K, Liu P, Zhang Y, von Deneen KM, Liu Y, Tian J. Distinct brain networks for time-varied characteristics of acupuncture. Neurosci Lett. 2010 Jan 14;468(3):353-8. [pdf].

7. Liu P, Qin W, Zhang Y, Tian J, Bai L, Zhou G, Liu J, Chen P, Dai J, von Deneen KM, Liu Y. Combining spatial and temporal information to explore function-guide action of acupuncture using fMRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2009 Jul; 30(1):41-6.[pdf].