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人工智能超密集移动通信系统                          认知空天地网络博弈论                        意图驱动自智网络 



Game Theory Framework Applied to Wireless Communication Networks

Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks



  1. 意图驱动网络编排,主持,2024.
  2. ETSI ZSM PoC #3 Automation of Intent-based cloud leased line service ETSI ZSM 2023.05.09 6/6
  3. LFN ONAP REQ-1214/ONAPARC-744 Maintenance and Enhancement of Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks in R11 LFN ONAP 2022.12.01 7/7
  4. REQ-1411/ONAPARC-766 Intent-driven Operating for Cloud-network Convergence Services LFN ONAP 2023.07.06 8/8
  5. TMF Catalyst C23.0.467 Intent-driven closed-loop autonomous services towards next-generation networks TMF 在研 7/9
  6. ETSI ENI PoC #18 Intent-driven Operating for User-Centric Cloud-Network Convergence Services ETSI ENI 在研 5/5
  7. REQ-1582/ONAPARC-783 Enhancement of Intent Translation for Cloud-network Convergence Services in R13 LFN ONAP 在研 4/4
  8. REQ-1583/ONAPARC-784 Alignment with 3GPP SA5 for Intent-driven Autonomous Services of E2E Slicing Usecase in R13 LFN ONAP 在研 4/4



  1. 意图驱动自智网络,主持,2024.
  2. Data Driven and Intent Aware Smart Wireless Network,未来移动通信论坛,2020年世界5G大会,广州。贡献:Use Cases for intent aware wireless Network,Use case 12: Intent-Driven Mobility Load Balancing。
  3. The Next-generation Protocol Stack-RAN Architecture, Protocol Stack and Function 5.0,未来移动通信论坛,2023年世界6G大会,南京。贡献:Intent-Driven Protocol Management Control Architecture。
  4. 面向6G的数字孪生技术白皮书,2022年。贡献:意图驱动孪生网络管理。
  5. 6G总体白皮书,6GNAN,2022.贡献:网络自治业务意图交互
  6. 6G知识定义的编排与管控,6GNAN,2022.参与。
  7. 6G内生AI网络架构十问,6GNAN,2022.参与。
  1. Chungang Yang, Xinru Mi, Ying Ouyang, at al., SMART Intent-Driven Network Management, IEEE CM, 2023. (Accepted for Publication)
  2. Ying Ouyang, Chungang Yang, Lulu Zhang, at al., Intent-Driven CoX Resource Management for Space-Terrestrial Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2023. (Accepted for Publication)
  3. Yanbo Song, Tao Feng, Chungang Yang, at al., IS2N: Intent-Driven Secure SDN with Blockchain, IEEE Network, 2023. (Accepted for Publication)
  4. Yanbo Song, Chungang Yang, Jiaming Zhang, at al., Full-Life Cycle Intent-Driven Network Verification: Challenges and Approaches, IEEE Network.  (Accepted for Publication)
  5. 宋延博,杨春刚,李鹏程,意图驱动的韧性网络安全研究及实践,西电学报,2023.【投稿】
  6. 刘祥林,李富强,杨春刚,欧阳颖,宋延博,李彤,意图驱动数据链网络策略协商模型与算法,系统工程与电子技术,2023.【录用】
  7. 李鹏程,杨春刚,宋延博,柏宇飞,李富强,意图驱动网络服务韧性设计,西电学报,2023.【录用】
  8. 姬泽阳,杨春刚,李富强,欧阳颖,刘祥林,基于自然语言处理的意图驱动网络表征,系统工程与电子技术,2023.【录用】
  9. 宋延博,张静雯,弥欣汝,欧阳颖,杨春刚,面向6G的意图驱动边缘智能网络[J]. 移动通信, 2022,46(9): 02-07. 【封面论文,主编推送微信号】
  10. Henry Yu, Christopher Janz, Dong Wang, Decheng Zhang, Hesam Rahimi, Chungang Yang, Yehua Zhao, A Comprehensive Framework for Intent-Based Networking, Standards-Based and Open-Source, 2nd International Intelligence Provisioning for Network and Service Management in Softwarized Networks (IPSN 2023) - Workshop of NOMS 2023. (Accepted for Publication)
  11. Tangyi Li, Ying Ouyang, Lulu Zhang, Yufei Bai, Chungang Yang, Autonomous Intent Detection for Intent-Driven Satellite Network, 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). (Accepted for Publication)
  12. Xingpeng Lei, Yanbo Song, Pengcheng Li, Yao Wang, Chungang Yang, Resilience In-Band Control Path Routing in Blockchain-Based Multi-Domain SDN, 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). (Accepted for Publication)
  13. Lulu Zhang, Ru Dong, Fuqiang Li, Jiaming Zhang, Jingwen Zhang, Chungang Yang, Intent-Driven Internet of Things: Architectures, Technology, and Challenges, WCCCT 2023.  (Accepted for Publication)
  14. Junjie Guo, Chungang Yang, Fuqiang Li, Ru Dong, Yanbo Song, Shiwen Kou, IDEAL: Intent Driven Emerging Anti-congestion Router with Load-balance for SDN, WCCCT 2023.  (Accepted for Publication)
  15. Ru Dong, Chungang Yang, Junjie Guo, Jingwen Zhang and Jiaorui Huang, An Intent-driven Next-generation Mobile Communication Management System, ICCT2022.  (Accepted for Publication)
  16. Jingwen Zhang, Chungang Yang, Alagan Anpalagan, Ru Dong and Lulu Zhang, IDSM: Intent-driven Slice Management and Maintenance for 6G RANs, ICCT2022.  (Accepted for Publication)
  17. Ying Ouyang, Fuqiang Li, Chungang Yang, Ruitao Song, Xianglin Liu, and Zeyang Ji, Ontology-based Network Intent Refinement Framework, ICCT2022..  (Accepted for Publication)
  1. 张露露,杨春刚,王栋,意图驱动云网融合,电信科学,已发表, 2022.
  2. Chungang Yang, Pengcheng Li, A Philosophical Theory of Intent Driven Network
  3. Pengcheng Li, Chungang Yang, Yanbo Song, Intent-Driven Network and Service Resilience
  4. Chungang Yang, Xianglin Liu, Network Complexity and Flexibility using Intent Driven Approach
  5. Yao Wang, Chungang Yang, Xinru Mi, Intent-Driven Network Meets Game Theory
  6. Ying Ouyang, Chungang Yang, A Brief Survey and Implementation on Ontology-based Network Intent Refinement Framework, 2023.
  7. Chungang Yang, Technical Challenges and Implementation towards Intent-Driven Network
  8. 李彤,杨春刚,宋延博,欧阳颖,意图驱动的OODA环辅助决策系统,编号:ZKWA2021048,被2021第二届指挥控制网络安全大会,录用发表。
  9. Jiaorui Huang, Chungang Yang, A4I: A Brief Survey and Implementation on AI for IDN , APCC 2022.(Accepted for Publication)
  10. Yanbo Song, Chungang Yang, Full-Life Cycle Intent-Driven Network Verification: Challenges and Approaches, IEEE Network.  Submitted 2022.4.12 (Accepted for Publication)
  11. Chungang Yang, Xinru Mi, Ying Ouyang, Ru Dong, Junjie Guo, and Mohsen Guizani, SMART Intent-Driven Network Management, IEEE CM 2022-3-27;(Accepted for Publication)
  12. Lulu Zhang, Chungang Yang, Ying Ouyang, Tong Li, ISFC: Intent-Driven SFC Deployment for Software-defined Satellite Networks, APCC 2022.(Accepted for Publication)
  13. Xiaotian Chang, Chungang Yang, Ying Ouyang, Ru Dong, Junjie Guo, Zeyang Ji, Xianglin Liu, KID: Knowledge graph-enabled Intent-driven Networks with Digital Twin, APCC 2022.(Accepted for Publication)
  14. Yanbo Song, Xianming Gao, BDI-based Monitoring and Controlling System for Network Resilience, IEEE VTC 2022.(Accepted for Publication)
  15. Ying Ouyang, Intent-Driven Mobility Load BalancingIWCMC 2022 Wireless Networking Symposium, 2022.(Accepted for Publication)
  16. Tong Li, Chungang Yang, Intent-driven QoS-Aware Routing Management for Flying Ad hoc Networks, IWCMC 2022: Internetworking Unmanned Ground and Aerial Systems (INUGAS), 2022.(Accepted for Publication)
  17. 冷常发,杨春刚,彭瑶,意图驱动的网络自动驾驶技术,西电学报,v.49, n.41-13Aug. 2022. (Accepted for Publication)
  18. Xinru Mi, Chungang Yang, Yanbo Song, Zhu Han, and Mohsen Guizani, Matching Game for Intelligent Resource Management in Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks, IEEE WCM, 2022. Accepted for Publication)


  1. Changfa Leng, GAN for Load Estimation and Traffic-aware Network Selection for 5G Terminals, IEEE Internet of Things, 2021;      Major Revision; 修回1226  ACCEPTED 2022.02.12(Accepted for Publication)
  2. Ying Ouyang, Chungang Yang, Yanbo Song, Xinru Mi, and Mohsen Guizani, A Brief Survey and Implementation on Refinement for Intent-Driven Network, IEEE Network 2021, Accepted for Publication, 2021.(Accepted for Publication)
  3. Xinru Mi,Chungang Yang,Y Song,Ying Ouyang, A distributed matching game for exploring resource allocation in satellite networks, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2021.(Accepted for Publication)
  4. Tong Li, Chungang Yang, Lizhong Chang, Lingli Yang, Peng Gong, Haoxiang Dai, Jingyu Shen, Meng Wen, and Zhu Han, Joint Power Control and Scheduling for High-Dynamic Multi-Hop UAV Communication: A Robust Mean Field Game, IEEE ACCESS, Accepted for Publication, 2021.(Accepted for Publication)
  5. Tong Li, Chungang Yang, Junqi Shao, Yue Zhang, Lei Pang, Lizhong Chang, Lingli Yang, and Zhu Han, A Mean Field Game-Theoretic Cross-Layer Optimization for Multi-Hop Swarm UAV Communications, IEEE JCN, Accepted for Publication, 2021.(Accepted for Publication)
  6. J. Shen, C. Yang, T. Li, X. Wang, Y. Song and M. Guizani, "Interactive Artificial Intelligence Meets Game Theory in Next-Generation Communication Networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications. doi: 10.1109/MWC.001.1800554
  7. X. Shao, C. Yang, Y. Song, T. Li and Z. Han, "Game Theoretical Approaches for Cooperative UAV NOMA Networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications. doi: 10.1109/MWC.001.1800497
  8. Lei Pang, Chungang Yang, Danyang Chen, Yanbo Song, Mohsen Guizani: A Survey on Intent-Driven Networks. IEEE Access 8: 22862-22873 (2020)
  9. Jiaming Zhang, Chungang Yang, Xinru Mi, Junjie Guo, Libian Jiao, Xiaoming Zhu, Lihui Cao, Ruixing Li, A Conflict Resolution Solution in Intent-Driven Networks, ICCC 2021.
  10. Lingli Yang, Chungang Yang, Xinru Mi, Ying Ouyang, Donghong Wei, Qicai Wang, Reservation and Traffic Intent-Aware Dynamic Resource Allocation for FANET, ICCT 2021.
  11. Yao Peng, Chungang Yang, Changfa Leng, Libian Jiao, Xiaoming Zhu, Lihui Cao, HMM-LSTM for Wireless Network Traffic Prediction, ICCT 2021.
  12. Pengfei Zhai, Chungang Yang, Distributed Denial of Service Defense in Software Defined Network Using OpenFlow,2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) - IEEE/CIC ICCC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'20 - Communication and Information Security
  13. Xiafei Bu, Chungang Yang, Flying LTE for UAV Dynamic Access Control, 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) - IEEE/CIC ICCC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'20 - Mobile and Wireless Networks
  14. , Chungang Yang: Resource Cube: Multi-Virtual Resource Management for Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Industrial IoT Networks. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 69(10): 11963-11974 (2020)

  15. , Chungang Yang: EDGE AI for Heterogeneous and Massive IoT Networks. ICCT 2019: 350-355

  16. Lei Pang, Chungang Yang, Danyang Chen, Yanbo Song, Mohsen Guizani, A Survey on Intent-Driven Information Communication Networks, IEEE ACCESS. (Accepted for Publication)
  17. Xinru Mi, Chungang Yang, Multi-Resource Management For Multi-Tier Space Information Networks: A Dynamic Bargaining Game, IWCMC 2019 Conference to be held June 24-28, 2019, in the Kenzi Solazur Hotel, Tangier, Morocco. 
  18. Jingyu Shen, Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Xinwei Wang, Yanbo Song, Mohsen Guizani, Interactive Artificial Intelligence Meets Game Theory in Next-Generation Communication Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2018.11.02. (Submittd, WCM-18-00554; Major Revision 20190415; Accepted for Publication)
  19. Sifan Chen, Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, and F. Richard Yu, Full Lifecycle Infrastructure Management System for Smart Cities: An NB-IoT-Based Platform, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018. 10.09 (Submitted Again in JAN., 2019; Accepted  20190616)
  20. Xiaoqiang Shao, Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Zhu Han, Game Theoretical Approaches for Cooperative UAV NOMA Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Submitted 2018.10.27. (Submitted in Oct., 2018. Under Review after Major Revision 20190415; Accepted )
  21. Liying Li, Chungang Yang, Mbazingwa E Mkiramweni, Pei Pang, Intelligent Scheduling and Power Control for Multimedia Transmission in 5G NOMA-COMP Systems: A Dynamic Bargaining Game, IEEE JSAC, 2018.10.20. (Submitted in Oct., 2018. Under Review after Major Revision 20190415;Accepted)
  22.  Xinwei Wang, Jiandong Li, Lingxia Wang, Chungang Yang, Zhu Han, Intelligent User-Centric Network Selection: A Model-Driven Reinforcement Learning Framework, IEEE ACCESS, 2019. (Accepted )
  23. Liying Li, Chungang Yang, Jia Xiao, Xiaoqiang Shao, Talha Younas, Joint Scheduling and Power Control in CoMP: A Dynamic Bargaining Approach, IEEE WCSP 2018. 20180615. (Accepted )
  24. Yanbo Song, Chungang Yang, Jingyu Shen, Lizhong Chang, Joint Delay and Energy Management for Cache-Enabled Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks: A Game-Theoretic Learning, IEEE ICCS 2018, Chengdu. (Accepted )
  25. Mbazingwa E. Mkiramweni, Chungang Yang, Energy Efficiency Optimization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Communications Network: A Dynamic Bargaining Game Approach, IEEE WCSP 2018. 20180521. (Accepted )
  26. Mbazingwa E. Mkiramweni, Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Zhu Han, Game Theoretical Approaches for Wireless Communications with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Accepted for Publication on 2018.02.05


  1. Mbazingwa E. Mkiramweni, Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Wei Zhang, A Survey of Game Theory in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Communications, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, Submitted for Publication, 2018.02.14. (Under Major Revision, Third-Round, Feb. 0202, 2019; Accepted  and Proofread 20190616)
  2.  Lingxia Wang, Chungang Yang, Rose Qingyang Hu, Autonomous Traffic Offloading in Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks Using Machine Learning, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, submitted on 2018.02.03. WCM-18-00034. (Accepted for Publication)
  3. Xinwei Wang, Liying Li, Jiandong Li, Chungang Yang, Lingxia Wang, Dusit Niyato, Traffic-Aware Multiple Association in Ultra-Dense Networks: A State Based Potential Game, IEEE System Journal, 2020 (Accepted for Publication)
  4. Chungang Yang, Yue Zhang, Jiandong Li, Zhu Han, Distributed Interference-Aware Traffic Offloading and Power Control in Ultra-Dense Networks: Mean Field Game With Dominating Player, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Submitted for Publication, 2017.12.25. (Under Second-Round Major Revision, Third-Round; Acceptted 20190616)
  5. Z. Chang, Z. Wang, X. Guo, Chungang Yang, Z. Han and T. Ristaniemi, "Distributed Resource Allocation for Energy Efficiency in OFDMA Multicell Networks with Wireless Power Transfer," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. doi: 10.1109/JSAC.2018.2872398
  6. X. Shao, Chungang Yang, D. Chen, N. Zhao and F. R. Yu, "Dynamic IoT Device Clustering and Energy Management With Hybrid NOMA Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 14, no. 10, pp. 4622-4630, Oct. 2018.
  7. J. Xiao, Chungang Yang, A. Anpalagan, Q. Ni and M. Guizani, "Joint Interference Management in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks: A Multi-Domain Coordination Perspective," in IEEE Transactions on Communications.doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2851215
  8. L. Wang, Chungang Yang, X. Wang, F. R. Yu and V. C. M. Leung, "User Oriented Resource Management With Virtualization: A Hierarchical Game Approach," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 37070-37083, 2018.
  9. Chungang Yang, et al., "DISCO: Interference-Aware Distributed Cooperation with Incentive Mechanism for 5G Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 198-204, JULY 2018.
  10. Chungang Yang, H. Dai, J. Li, Y. Zhang and Z. Han, "Distributed Interference-Aware Power Control in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks: A Robust Mean Field Game," in IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 12608-12619, 2018.
  11. Chungang Yang, Yue Zhang, Jiandong Li, and Zhu Han, Power Control Mean Field Game With Dominator in Ultra-Dense Small Cell Networks, IEEE Globecom2017, Singpore, December 2017.
  12. Mbazingwa E. Mkiramweni, Chungang Yang, Zhu Han, “Mean Field Games for 5G Ultra-Dense Networks: A Resource Management Perspective,” Ultra-Dense Networks for 5G and Beyond: Modelling, Analysis and Design, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, editors: Trung Q. Duong, Xiaoli Chu, and Himal A Suraweera, 2019.



  1. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks, IGI Global, 2017. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1712-2. (Edited Book)

  2. Chungang Yang, Jia Xiao, Lingxia Wang, Pengyu Huang, Jiandong Li, Pricing Methodology and Its Applications in Cognitive Radio and Multi-tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks, Chapter 11 in our book titled Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks, 2017. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1712-2. (Book Chapter)

  3. Chungang Yang, Pengyu Huang, Jia Xiao, Lingxia Wang, Jiandong Li, A Survey of Stackelberg Game for Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Cognitive and Multi-tier Cellular Wireless Networks, Chapter 12 in our book titled Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks, 2017. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1712-2. (Book Chapter)

  4. C. Yang, J. Li, R. Q. Hu and J. Xiao, "Distributed Optimal Cooperation for Spectral and Energy Efficiency in Hyper-Dense Small Cell Networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 154-160, 2017.
  5. C. Yang, J. Li, Q. Ni, A. Anpalagan and M. Guizani, "Interference-Aware Energy Efficiency Maximization in 5G Ultra-Dense Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 728-739, Feb. 2017.
  6. C. Yang, J. Li, P. Semasinghe, E. Hossain, S. M. Perlaza and Z. Han, "Distributed Interference and Energy-Aware Power Control for Ultra-Dense D2D Networks: A Mean Field Game," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 1205-1217, Feb. 2017.
  7. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Min Sheng, Alagan Anpalagan, Jia Xiao, Mean Field Game-Theoretic fr[ant]amework for Interference and Energy-Aware Control in 5G Ultra-Dense Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, Accepted on 0919, 2016.

  8. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Waleed Ejazy, Alagan Anpalagany, and Mohsen Guizani, Utility Function Design for Radio Resource Management Games: An Overview, Taxonomy, and Research Challenges, ETT Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Published Online November 2016, DOI: 10.1002/ett.3128.
  9. Jia Xiao, Chungang Yang, Joint Multi-Domain Interference Management in Ultra-Dense small cell Networks: An Overlapping Coalition Formation Game, 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing(WCSP 2016). Accepted, Sep. 03, 2016.



  1. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, "Game Theory fr[ant]amework Applied to Wireless Communication Networks." pp. 1-403 (2016), New Book accessed July 29, 2015. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8642-7, http://www.igi-global.com/book/game-theory-fr[ant]amework-applied-wireless/126400
  2. C. Yang, J. Li and M. Guizani, "Cooperation for spectral and energy efficiency in ultra-dense small cell networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 64-71, February 2016.
  3. C. Yang, J. Li, A. Anpalagan and M. Guizani, "Joint Power Coordination for Spectral-and-Energy Efficiency in Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks: A Bargaining Game-Theoretic Perspective," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1364-1376, Feb. 2016.
  4. C. Yang, J. Li, M. Guizani, A. Anpalagan and M. Elkashlan, "Advanced spectrum sharing in 5G cognitive heterogeneous networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 94-101, April 2016.
  5. C. Yang, J. Li and A. Anpalagan, "Hierarchical Decision-Making With Information Asymmetry for Spectrum Sharing Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 9, pp. 4359-4364, Sept. 2015.
  6. Shaojie Kang; Wen Ji; Bo-Wei Chen; Chungang Yang; Yiqiang Chen, Game Theoretic Analysis for Video Transmission in Simulated WLANs, The 2014 5th International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 2014, 25-27, Nov..Beijing China. Joint Best Paper Award.



  1. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in Heterogeneous Networks: A Cognitive Radio Perspective. IGI Global, Release Date: April, 2014. (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5978-0)
  2. Chungang Yang,  Advanced Cognitive Radio-Enabled Spectrum Management,  Release Date: October, 2014. (ISBN13: 9781466665712, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6571-2)
  3. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Alagan Anpalagan, Cooperative Bargaining Game-Theoretic Methodology for 5G Wireless Heterogeneous Networks, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. Accepted, 2014-08-19 proofreading. Impact Factor: 1.354.
  4. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Alagan Anpalagan, Strategic Bargaining in Wireless Networks: Basics, Opportunities and Challenges, IET Communications. (2014-09-10, Accepted)
  5. Chungang Yang, Jian Yue, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Tradeoff between energy-efficiency and spectral efficiency by cooperative rate splitting, IEEE/KIC  Journal of Communciations and Networks, 16(2): 121-129, 2014.
  6. 杨春刚,岳健,李建东,盛敏,李红艳,刘勤,认知融合网络的关键技术,通信学报,DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-436x.2014.6.022.
  7. Chungang Yang, Kun Guo, Min Sheng, Jiangdong Li, Jian Yue, Energy-Efficient Capacity Offload to Smallcells with Interference Compensation, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, on 6-9 April 2014.
  8. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Cooperative Spectrum Leasing to Femtocells with Interference Compensation, 2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2014-Spring), 18–21 May 2014, Seoul, Korea.
  9. Chungang Yang, Min Sheng, Haipeng Tian, Jiandong Li, Double-Threshold-based-Mobility Load Balancing in LTE Self-Optimized Networks, 2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2014-Spring), 18–21 May 2014, Seoul, Korea.
  10. Chungang Yang, Net Utility-Oriented Mobility Load Balancing in Self-Optimizing Networks, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, September 11-13, 2014 Xi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'an, Shaanxi, China

  11. Chungang YangConcurrent mobility load balancing in LTE self-organized networks,2014 21st International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT),  5 - 7 May 2014, Lisbon, Portugal,DOI: 10.1109/ICT.2014.6845125, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 288 - 292.
  12. 杨春刚,李建东,刘勤,盛敏,李红艳等,基于资源流的自主资源配置方法,授权号:ZL201110179932.3,授权公告日:2013年10月16日。
  13. 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李维英,李红艳,刘勤等,认知无线网络中多用户动态分层功率控制方法,授权号:ZL201110179931.9,授权公告日:2013年10月16日。

2013  2013年度

  1. Chungang Yang, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Hongyan Li, Jing Li, Energy-Aware Joint Power and Rate Control in Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks: A Nash Bargaining Perspective, International Journal of em[ant]bedded Systems. (Accepted, EI Index)
  2. Chungang Yang, A Unified Cooperative Radio Resource Management Game, ICCC 2013, Xi’an. (Accepted, EI Index)
  3. Chungang Yang, Utility-Related-Capacity of Interference Networks: A Cooperative Game View, Workshop, ICCC 2013. (Accepted, EI Index)
  4. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Pricing-Based Dynamic Spectrum Leasing: A  Hierarchical Multi-Stage Stackelberg Game Perspective, IEICE Transactions on Communications, v. E96-B, N.6. 1511-1521 (EI: 20132416409585, SCI)
  5. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Qin Liu, Hongyan Li, Hierarchical Power Control in Cognitive Networks, VTC 2013-Spring. (Accepted, EI)
  6. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Min Sheng, Hongyan Li, Wei Liu, Qin Liu, Chao Xu, Cognitive Information-Assisted Energy Efficiency Design in Green Composition Networks, ICT 2013. (Accepted, EI)
  7. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Hongyan Li, Min Sheng, Qin Liu, Wei Liu, Multi-Resource Allocation for LTE Networks: Joint-Optimality and Distributed Algorithm, ICT 2013.
  8. Min Sheng, Chungang Yang, Yan Zhang, Jiandong Li, Zone-based Load Balancing in LTE Self-Optimizing Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, to appear.
  9. Chao Xu, Min Sheng, Chungang Yang, Xijun Wang, and Liang Wang,"Pricing Based Multi-Resource Allocation in OFDMA Cognitive Radio Networks: An Energy Efficiency Perspective", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, to appear.
  10. Yuzhou Li, Min Sheng, Chungang Yang, and Xijun Wang, "Energy Efficiency and Spectrum Efficiency Tradeoff in Interference-Limited Wireless Networks," IEEE Comm. Letters, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1924-1927, Oct. 2013. 
  11. 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李红艳等,分层蜂窝网络中干扰补偿的负载转移方法,申请号:201310303891.3,申请日:2013年07月。
  12. 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李红艳等,一种认知融合网络的干扰管理系统与方法,申请号:201310382360.8,申请日:2013年08月。
  13. 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李红艳,刘勤等,一种兼顾近远域用户效用的功率协调方法,申请号:201310403695.3,申请日:2013年09月。




  1.  杨春刚,徐超,盛敏,李建东,李红艳, 认知Wi-Fi 2.0网络:未来智能无线局域网,通信学报,2012,(Z2):71-80。(EI: 20130515973170)
  2.  杨春刚,盛敏,董延杰,李建东,李红艳,刘勤, 认知网络中基于网络辅助的速率控制方法,通信学报,vol. 34, No. 5, PP: 126-135, May 2013。(EI: 20132516429573)
  3.  杨春刚,盛敏,李建东,李红艳,认知Wi-Fi 2.0无线网络多用户动态分层功率控制算法,软件学报,24卷6期,1310-1323,2013年6月。(EI: 20132716471443)
  4. C. Yang, J. Li, M. Sheng, Q. Liu, Green HetNets: A Cognitive Radio Idea, IET Communications. 6(13): 1952–1959, 5 Sep., 2012.  (SCI: 000310579100012)
  5. YANG ChunGang, LI JianDong, SHENG Min, LIU Qin, HOU RongHui & LI HongYan, Resource Flow: Autonomous Cognitive Resource Management fr[ant]amework for Future Networks, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.57 No.28-29: 3691-3697, October 2012. (SCI: 000309345000005)
  6. Chungang Yang, Min Sheng, Jiandong Li, Hongyan Li, Jing Li, Energy-Aware Joint Power and Rate Control in Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks: A Nash Bargaining Perspective, C3WN 2012. (EI: 20125015790013)      


  1. 杨春刚,董延杰,盛敏,李建东,李红艳,刘勤,张琰,干扰感知的非合作速率控制方法,201210393691.7,申请日:2012年10月15日。
  2. 杨春刚,盛敏,李建东,李红艳,刘勤,张琰,郭坤,田海鹏,一种应用于多小区的移动性负载均衡方法,申请号:201210414682.1,申请日:2012年10月25日。
  3. 杨春刚,盛敏,董延杰,李建东,李红艳,刘勤,张琰,干扰感知的合作速率控制方法, 申请号: 201210476444.3,申请日:2012年10月25日。
  4. 杨春刚,盛敏,田海鹏,李建东,郭坤,陈中良,雷劼,彭昌万,一种基于邻区负载信息的增强型负载均衡方法。




(1) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Min Sheng, Joint Resource Management in Down-link LTE Systems: A Non-Cooperative Game Model, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2011), pp: 1-4, Xi,an, China, Sep. 14-16, 2011. (EI:20114614523379)
(2) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Performance Analysis of A Stackelberg Game-Theoretical Strategy Design in Cognitive Radio Networks, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2011), Xi,an, China, Sep. 14-16, 2011. (EI:20114614523339)


(1) 杨春刚,李建东,刘勤,盛敏,李红艳等,基于资源流的自主资源配置方法,申请号:201110179932.3.
(2) 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李维英,李红艳等,认知无线网络中多用户动态分层功率控制方法,申请号:201110179931.9.
(3) 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李红艳,刘勤,张文柱等,认知无线网络中的资源流的构建方法及系统,申请号:201210001641.X,申请日:2011年12月20日。
(4) 杨春刚,李建东,盛敏,李红艳,刘勤,张文柱等,一种认知LTE系统中CRB资源的动态组合和分配方法,申请号:201210001642.4,申请日:2011年12月20日。

Book Chapter:

  1. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Power control for cognitive radios: a mixed-strategy game-theoretic fr[ant]amework, Cognitive Radio Systems, ISBN 978-953-308-70-9, Intech Open Access Publisher, Jan., 2012.
  2. Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Dynamic Resource Management and Optimization in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks under IEEE1900.4 fr[ant]amework,Cognitive Radio and Interference Management: Technology and Strategy, IGI Global.




(1) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, and Zhi(Gerry) Tian, Optimal Power Control for Cognitive Radio Networks with Coupled Interference Constraints: A Cooperative Game-Theoretic Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v59, n4, pp: 1696-1706, May 2010. (EI: 20102012935417, SCI: 000277662600013, )

(2) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Game Theory based Power Allocation in Cognitive Radio, Journal of Xidian University, v36, n1, pp: 1-4, Feb. 2009 Language: Chinese. (EI: 20091211966364)

(3) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Power control method based on nash bargaining solution for cognitive radio networks, Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, v32, n3, pp: 77-81, June 2009 Language: Chinese. (EI: 20093012213845)

(4) JiandongLi, FuguoXue, Chungang Yang, Fast adaptive power control approach for cognitive radio networks, Journal of Xidian University, v37, n2, pp: 186-191, April 2010 Language: Chinese. (EI: 20102112950261)

(5) Jiandong Li, Chungang Yang, Pricing based Power Control Game for Cognitive Radio Networks. I16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2009, ICT\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'09.25-27, May 2009. pp: 270 – 275. (EI: 20101512846511)

(6) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, A Game-Theoretic Approach to Adaptive Utility-based Power Control in Cognitive Radio Networks, VTC2009-Fall, pp: 1–6, 20-23 Sept., Anchorage, Alaska, USA. (EI: 20101712893114)

(7) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Joint Resource Management fr[ant]amework under IEEE P1900.4: A Network Utility Maximization Approach, Poster8, MobiCom 2009, Sept 20-25 2009, Beijing, China.

(8) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Joint Rate and Power Control based on Game Theory in Cognitive Radio Networks,CHINACOM 2009, pp: 316-320, 2009, 2009 4th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM 2009 (EI: 20095112557685)

(9) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Optimal Balancing Between Efficiency and Fairness for Resource Management in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Dynamic Game-Theoretic Approach, 2010 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2010, pp: 1-5, in Las Vegas, USA. (EI: 20101712889568)

(10) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Capacity Maximization in Cognitive Networks: A Stackelberg Game-Theoretic Perspective, ICC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'10 Workshop CoCoNet3, pp: 1-5, 23-27 May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. (EI: 201030131044918)

(11) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Mixed-Strategy based Discrete Power Control Approach for Cognitive Radios: A Matrix Game-Theoretic fr[ant]amework, The 2010 International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2010), pp: V3-806-810, Wuhan, China, 21-24 May 2010.(EI: 20104513354834)

(12) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Dynamic Resource Management Mechanism Design for Heterogeneous Networks under IEEE1900.4 fr[ant]amework: A Network Utility Maximization Perspective, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security, pp: 333–337, 25-27 June 2010. Beijing, China.(EI: 20104113284130)

(13) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Joint Economical and Technical Considerations of Dynamic Spectrum Sharing: A Multi-stage Stackelberg Game, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference Fall, VTC 2010 fall, pp: 6-9, Sep. 2010, Ottawa, Canada.(EI: 20104813440612)

(14) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Blind Cognitive-MAC: A Bayesian Game Theoretic Perspective, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems, August 28th - September 3rd,Honolulu, Hawai\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'i, USA. (EI: 20104913450320)

(15) Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li, Spectral Gap Filling in Cognitive Networks: A Cooperative Game-Theoretic Approach, 2010 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, August 25-27, 2010, Beijing, China. (EI: :20110713663052)

(16) Jiandong Li,Chungang Yang, A Markovian Game-Theoretical Power Control Approach in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Multi-Agent Learning Perspective,2010 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2010), 21-23, Oct. 2010, Suzhou, China. (EI: 20111013716161)