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  1. 韩怡园,韩冰,高新波. 结合眼动信息和序列指纹的亚暴事件识别方法[J]. 计算机科学与探索. 2023, 17(1): 187-197.DOI:10.3778/j.issn.1673-9418.2105044
  2. Weiming Chen, Bing Han, Zheng Yang, Xinbo Gao. MSSDet: Multi-Scale Ship-Detection Framework in Optical Remote-Sensing Images and New Benchmark. Remote Sensing, 14(21): 5460, 2022. (EI:20224613127109    SCI 000883986600001) 

  3. Zheng Yang, Bing Han, Weiming Chen, Xinbo Gao. TMDiMP: Temporal Memory Guided Discriminative Tracker for UAV Object Tracking. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(24), 6351; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14246351 (EI: 20225213315755 , SCI: 000902951900001)
  4. 申天啸,韩怡园,韩冰,高新波. 基于人类视觉皮层双通道模型的驾驶员眼动行为识别[J],智能系统学报. 2022,17(01):41-49.
  5. 王平,李洁,韩冰,胡泽骏,高新波,刘建军,胡红桥。极区电离层对流速度的浅层神经网络建模与分析[J]. 地球物理学报. 65(4): 1197-1213, 2022。
  6. Zejun Hu, Bing Han(韩冰), Zhang, et al. Modeling of ultraviolet aurora intensity associated with interplanetary and geomagnetic parameters based on neural networks. Space Weather. 2021.(SCI检索)
  7. 韩冰, 李国君, 胡泽骏, 张义生基于恒星辐射稳定性的全天空极光成像仪辐定标方法[J]. 光学学报, 5:55-65, 2021.
  8. Bing Han(韩冰), Meng Zhang, Xinbo Gao, et al. Automatic Classification Method of Thyroid Pathological Images using Multiple Magnification Factors[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021, 460(8). (SCI检索)
  9. Zhihao Li, Bing Han, Xinbo Gao, Biao Hou, Zongyuan Liu, Distance constraint between features for unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification[J] Neurocomputing, 2021, 462(28): 113-122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2021.07.061
  10. 胡泽骏, 韩冰, 连慧芳. 基于广义回归神经网络的行星际/ 太阳风参数和地磁指数的紫外极光强度建模[J]. 地球物理学报, 202063(5):1738-1750. doi: 10.6038/cjg2020N0151SCI: 000539702900002, EI: 20202008654297
  11. Kaojin Zhu, Bing Han. MLEDet: Vehicle Detection in UAV Images[C]// IPMV 2020: 2020 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Machine Vision. 2020:79-86. (EI:20205009615427)
  12. Yiyuan Han, Bing Han(韩冰), Xinbo Gao. Human scanpath estimation based on semantic segmentation guided by common eye fixation behaviors[J]. Neurocomputing, 2021, 453:705-717.(EI:20204209359165  SCI: 000663417700004)
  13. Kaojin Zhu, Bing Han(韩冰). MLEDet: Vehicle Detection in UAV Images[C]. IPMV 2020: 2020 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Machine Vision. 2020:79-86. (EI:20205009615427)
  14. Bing Han(韩冰), Yunhao Wang, Zheng Yang, Xinbo Gao. Small-scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Deep Neural Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2020, 21(7), 3046-3055. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2923752. (SCI: 000545516200030, EI:20202808926535)
  15. Yiyuan Han, Bing Han(韩冰), Zejun Hu, Xinbo Gao, Lixia Zhang, Huigen Yang, and Bin Li. Prediction and Variation of Auroral Oval Boundary Based on Deep Learning Model and Space Physical Parameters[J]. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2020,27(1): 11-22. (SCI:000512305300001)
  16.  Wenliang Qiu, Xinbo Gao, Bing Han(韩冰). Saliency detection using a deep conditional random field network[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2020, 103 : 107266.  (SCI: 000530845000014)
  17. Wenliang Qiu, Xinbo Gao, Bing Han(韩冰). Video saliency detection via pairwise interaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2020. (SCI:000573608100003)
  18. 韩冰, 连慧芳, 胡泽骏. 基于神经网络模型的紫外极光卵边界建模. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2019, 495: 531-542. doi: 10.1360/N092018-00227EI20192907192418

  19. Zhang Y, Han B, Gao X, et al. Personalized Travel Recommendation via Multi-view Representation Learning[C]//Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV). Springer, Cham, 2019: 97-109. (EI:20202008650079)

  20. Yang Z, Han B, Wei G, et al. Video saliency detection based on eye-movement guided region matching and LDP embedded optical flow[C]//International CCF Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Springer, Singapore, 2019, 1001(1): 117-130. (EI:20193507386491)

  21. Bing Han, Yunhao Wang, Zheng Yang, Xinbo Gao. Small-scale Pedestrian Detection Based on Deep Neural NetworkIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems2020, 21(7), 3046-3055. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2019.2923752. (SCI: 000545516200030, EI20202808926535).

  22. Yujun Zhang, Bing Han(韩冰), Xinbo Gao, et al. Personalized Travel Recommendation via Multi-view Representation Learning[C]. Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (PRCV). Springer, Cham, 2019: 97-109. (EI:20202008650079)
  23. Zheng Yang, Bing Han(韩冰), Guowei Wei, et al. Video saliency detection based on eye-movement guided region matching and LDP embedded optical flow[C]. International CCF Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Springer, Singapore, 2019, 1001(1): 117-130. (EI:20193507386491)
  24. Bing Han(韩冰), Lixia Zhang, Xinbo Gao. The region based MMTD energy function for image segmentation[J]. Multimedia Tools Appl. 2019,78(12): 16695-16726,.(SCI:000472094500043,EI: 20185206315269)
  25.  Ping Wang, Bing Han(韩冰), Jie Li, et al. Structural Reweight Sparse Subspace Clustering [J]. Neural Processing Letters, 2019, 49(3): 965-977.(SCI:000483206800007,EI: 20182305282955)
  26.  Wenliang Qiu, Xinbo Gao, Bing Han(韩冰). Eye Fixation assisted video saliency detection via total variation-based pairwise interaction[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2018,27(10): 4724 - 4739. (SCI: 000437028300002, EI: 20182305289252)
  27. Bing Han(韩冰), Yiyuan Han, Xinbo Gao, Lixia Zhang. Boundary constraint factor embedded localizing active contour model for medical image segmentation[J]. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.2019, 10(10): 3853-3862.  (SCI: 000487047400010, EI: 20183605772994)
  28. Bing Han(韩冰), Fuyue Chu, Xinbo Gao, et al. A Multi-size Kernels CNN with Eye Movement Guided Task-Specific Initialization for Aurora Image Classification[C]. CCF Chinese Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Singapore, 2017: 533-544. (EI: 20175104550045)
  29. Wenliang Qiu, Xinbo Gao, Bing Han(韩冰). A superpixel-based CRF saliency detection approach[J]. Neurocomputing, 2017, 244: 19-32.  (SCI: 000345272500008)
  30. Bing Han(韩冰), Lixia Zhang, Xinbo Gao, Yating Song, An Improved Convolutional Auto-Encoder model for Aurora image classification[C]. Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering. (IScIDE2016). 
  31. Bing Han(韩冰), Lixia Zhang, Xinbo Gao, et al. Embedded locality discriminant GPLVM for dimensionality reduction[C]. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. IEEE, 2016:2431-2438. (EI: 20165203194115)
  32. Bing Han(韩冰), Xinbo Gao, Hui Liu, et al. Auroral Oval Boundary Modeling Based on Deep Learning Method[C]. International Conference on Intelligent Science and Big Data Engineering. Springer, Cham, 2015:96-106. ( EI:20154501492259)
  33. Bing Han(韩冰), Yating Song, Xinbo Gao, et al. Dynamic Aurora Sequence Recognition Using Volume Local Directional Pattern with local and global features[J]. Neurocomputing, 2015, 184:168-175. (SCI:000374364300016, EI:20155201727543)
  34. Zhonghua Jia, Bing Han(韩冰), Xinbo Gao. 2DPCANet: Dayside Aurora Classification Based on Deep Learning[C]. CCF Chinese Conference on Computer Vision, 2015, 323-334, Xi'an, China. (EI: 20155201735379)
  35. Xi. Yang, Xinbo. Gao, Jie Li, Bing Han(韩冰). A Shape-initialized and Intensity-adaptive Level Set Method for Auroral Oval Segmentation. Information Sciences[J]. 2014, 277: 794-807. (SCI: 000338390200048, EI:20142317797974)
  36. Bing Han(韩冰), Xiaojing Zhao, Xuelong Li, Dacheng Tao, Zejun Hu, Hongqiao Hu. Dayside Aurora Classification via BIFs-Based Sparse Representation Using Manifold Learning[J]. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2014, 91(11): 2415-2426. (SCI: 000345272500008)
  37. Liu Hui, Xinbo Gao, Bing Han(韩冰). An Automatic MSRM Method with a Feedback Based on Shape Information for Auroral Oval Segmentation[C]. 2013 International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering, Beijing, July 31- August 2, 2013. (EI: 20140517246462)
  38. Bing Han(韩冰), Xinbo Gao, Xuelong Li, Dacheng Tao.A Biological Inspired Features Based Saliency Map[C].  International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 2012,371-37, February 2, Hawaii, USA.(EI: 20121714960595)
  39. Bing Han(韩冰), Xinbo Gao, Lili Tcheang, Vincent Walsh. Saliency based on cortex-like mechanisms[J]. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2011, 88(16-18):3942-39521.(SCI:000297692200012)
  40. Bing Han (韩冰), Xinbo Gao, Vincent Walsh, Lili Tetchung. A Saliency Map method with Cortex-like Mechanisms and Sparse Representation[C]. ACM International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 2010, 228-234. (EI: 20103413185333)
  41. Bing Han(韩冰), Lili Tetchung, Vincent Walsh, Xinbo Gao. A Novel Feature Combination Methods for Saliency-based Visual Attention[C]. 2009 Fifth International Conference on Natural Computation, 2009, 5: 18-22. (EI:20101512839793)
  42. Bing Han (韩冰), Xinbo Gao,, Hongbing Ji. A novel feature weighted fuzzy clustering method for shot boundary detection[C]. ICNC-FSKD, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 2006, Vol.4223: 471-480. (SCI: ISI000241106000055;EI:064510224201)
  43. Bing Han (韩冰), Xinbo Gao,, Hongbing Ji. A novel method of biomimetic pattern recognition for shot boundary detection[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2006, 15(4A): 941-944. (SCI:000241920200041;EI:064610241592)
  44. Bing Han (韩冰), Xinbo Gao,, Hongbing Ji. A novel feature weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems,2006,2(3): 1141-1146.(EI:070110339550)
  45. 8.Bing Han (韩冰), Xinbo Gao,, Hongbing Ji. Automatic news audio classification based on selective ensemble SVMs[C]. ISNN’05, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005, Vol. 3497, 363-368. (SCI:000230167200059;EI:05399382092)
  46. Bing Han (韩冰), Xinbo Gao,, Hongbing Ji. A unified fr[ant]amework for shot boundary detection[C]. CIS’05, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Vol.3801,2005:997-1002 (SCI:000234873700148;EI:06229909304)
  47. 王平,李洁,韩冰,胡泽骏,高新波,刘建军,胡红桥。极区电离层对流速度的浅层神经网络建模与分析. 地球物理学报,2021.(SCI检索)
  48. 韩冰,高新波,胡泽骏等,人工智能助力极地科考,中国人工智能学会通讯,2018,1:22-31.
  49. 严月,韩冰,高新波,连慧芳,基于粘性流体粒子运动模型的极光视频分类.计算机学会人工智能会议(CCFAI2017),中国云南昆明
  50. 韩冰, 贾中华, 高新波. 改进的主成分分析网络极光图像分类方法. 西安电子科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 44(1):83-88. (EI: 20171303500029)
  51. 魏国威, 韩冰, 仇文亮, 高新波. 基于超像素块的视频显著区域提取. 中国数据挖掘会议(CCDM2016), 中国广西桂林.
  52. 宋亚婷, 韩冰, 高新波. 基于张量动态纹理模型的极光视频分类. 南京大学学报(自然科学), 2016, 52(1):184-193.
  53. 王秀梅, 韩冰, 高新波,. 基于环形局部方向模式的弧状极光序列检测. 计算机科学与探索, 2015, 9(5):586-593.
  54. 韩冰, 廖谦, 高新波. 基于空时极向LBP的极光序列事件检测.软件学报,2014,25(9): 2172-2179. (EI201441094917)
  55. 王平,韩冰,高新波,刘慧. 基于BP神经网络的极光卵位置预测第十四届多值逻辑与模糊逻辑学术年会, (MVFL2014), 中国山东济南.
  56. 杨曦, 李洁, 韩冰, 高新波. 一种分层小波模型下的极光图像分类算法. 西安电子科技大学学报,2013,40(2): 18-24.
  57. 韩冰, 杨辰, 高新波. 融合显著信息的LDA极光图像分类. 软件学报,2013,24(11):2758-2766.(EI: 20140117166623)
  58. 韩冰, 仇文亮. 一种特征显著性编码的极光图像分类方法. 西安电子科技大学学报,2013,40(6):180-186. (EI: 20140117165510)
  59. 韩冰, 高新波, 李洁. 改进视皮层视觉机制的视觉注意力模型. 计算机科学与探索,2011,5(11) :1014-1020.
  60. 韩冰,高新波,Lili Tcheang Vincent Walsh. 基于变精度粗糙加权聚类的视觉注意力模型. 第十二届多值逻辑与模糊逻辑学术年会, 2010, 300-309.
  61. 韩冰, 高新波, 姬红兵. 基于模糊粗糙集的新闻镜头分割方法. 电子学报, 2006,34(6):1085-1089.(EI:063610101197)


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