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  1. The First Prize of Natural Science Award of Shaanxi province (1/6), 2021.

  2. Young Science and Technology Pacesetter of Shaanxi province, 2020.

  3. Program Committee member for NIPS 2017

  4. 2011  NIPS Travel Grant, Granada, Spain
  5. 2010  Honorable Mention for 2010 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award (Highest Award for PhD Thesis in China)
  6. 2009  Advance of Science and Technology Second Prize, Shaanxi Province Education Department
  7. 2009  Shaanxi Province Excellent PhD Thesis
  8. 2009  Xidian University Excellent PhD Thesis
  9. 2008  Travel Award for Summer Program in RIKEN BSI, Japan. (Every year only less than 45 ones are selected from the global applicants)
  10. 2008  Candidate for Marquis' Who's Who in the World 2009
  11. 2006  ICONIP Student Travel Award, ICONIP conference, Hongkong