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Adjunct Instructor:

1.        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT

Independently teach ECE 611 (Transient Analysis of Power Systems) for graduate students, Spring Semester, 2009, 2010, 2011.


2.        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT

Independently teach ECE 612 (Computer Methods for Power Systems Analysis) for graduate students, Fall Semester, 2009, 2010.


3.        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT

Independently teach ECE 605 (Discrete Event Dynamic Systems) for graduate students, Fall Semester, 2010.


Lectures and Talks:

1.        School of Electro-mechanical Engineering, Xidian University, China

Give graduate students a two-hour lecture on Petri nets, 2004 (in Chinese)


2.        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT, USA

Give graduate and undergraduate students a two-hour lecture on discrete event systems, 2008


3.        Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT, USA

Hold a seminar and give a 40-minutes talk for North New Jersey Section of IEEE, 2009-2010


4.        Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, KSU, KSA

Hold two seminars and give talks for faculty members and Ph. D students, 2011


Advisor for Thesis:

1. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT

    Committee member for a master student’s thesis: Hang Wu, Air Traffic Control with Petri nets, 2010.